I am new to utau, and would like help with learning.


Momo's Minion
Hello! I have only just gotten into utau, and would like some help making my first cover! I have heard that teto was a good English vb for beginners, but I'm not quite sure exactly how to use her. I am also a nervous wreck and overanalyze things before I do them, so I have no experience currently.

1. I know that teto english is a vccv, are those easy to use? are there any specific things to consider when using vccv?

2. does teto english recognize romanji?

3. are there any specific plugins that are either essential or help the process of making a ust?

4. any other miscellaneous tips are very much appreciated!
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UtaForum power user
Defender of Defoko
Kasane Teto is not VCCV, and is not a beginner-friendly English voicebank. If you want to focus on English-language vocals specifically, you're better off using one recorded by a native English speaker as your first bank. Here's a directory of VCCV voicebanks: https://utaforum.net/threads/utau-vccv-voicebank-directory.10661/
In the process of using VCCV voicebanks, you may want to consult the official series of tutorial videos. This is the video specifically about making USTs, though you will probably want to consult earlier videos on the phoneme system as well.

This plugin may save you some effort in editing USTs by handling the conversion from words to phonemes. You will then only need to make the final adjustments, as well as other expressive tuning steps like pitchbends and vibrato. https://snowphones.weebly.com/lyric-parser-20.html
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Ritsu's Renegades
Defender of Defoko
To answer your questions:
1) Teto is not VCCV. Teto uses a CVVC reclist by a person who goes by Delta that’s usually called Delta CVVC, and honestly English in general is not very easy to use in UTAU, but if you’re one to throw yourself into the deep end right off the bat, by all means. If you’re looking specifically for VCCV voicebanks, the links Kiyoteru provided above will be useful.

2) This question is moot. Romaji (no n, by the way) is for Japanese and we’re talking about English. English VBs usually use some kind of phonetic alphabet to represent pronunciation since English isn’t always spelled how it’s pronounced, so you’ll have to learn the phonetic alphabet of whichever method the voicebank you’re using, because different methods use different phonetic alphabets.

3) Kiyoteru provided a link above. It’s also generally a lot easier to make a MIDI in a different program like a DAW and then import it into UTAU than it is to make a UST from scratch in UTAU
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