Our UTAU Progress


Teto's Territory
Defender of Defoko
Alright, no one can deny it: your first UTAU experience was more than likely a total crap-fest. Questions abounded--What is an oto? What's wrong with my microphone? How do I fit my voice to this ust?

And the result, in my case, was not good. At all. Hell, I only recently learned how to oto CORRECTLY.

While I was looking through my backup files yesterday, I found a neat little gem from my past: a cover with Sakura's first voicebank. Ever. I wanted to share its god-awfulness with all of you as a testament to my progress, and I invite you to do the same.

Date created: Sometime in early 2009
Recorded with: A freaking EyeToy. Kill me now.
Oto?: ...if you can call entering the first numbers I can think of as an oto.


pfffft but i mean listen to the desu voice of little 13-year-old Saki oh god i was so cute


Momo's Minion
Defender of Defoko
Re: My UTAU Progress

omgbabysakura sounds so cutesy Waifu <3
she's matured so much ; A;

Act1 Sample: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FnEKPO3x2l0#][UTAU] Just Be Friends [Hekine Chinji] (OMG so scratchy and badly oto'd and osruholer)
Date created: Around christmas in 2011
Recorded with: logitech headset
Oto?: a sucky one

I'm so sad looking at this after finishing her Act 3 VCV ; 3 ;
Act 3: 【UTAU連続音源配布】Love Potion / ラブポーション 【Hekine Chinji x Saki】+Ust
Date created: Last night . u .
Recorded with: Turtle Beach
Oto?: incredibly annoying to do because it took long to get right vcv oto


Teto's Territory
My UTAU Sophia was horrible-sounding when compared to her ACT2. D:



As for Kage...I still need to make his ACT2. ;w;


Um, well, here's Kazu's ACT1 in comparison of his ACT2:
The first part is ACT1, the second is ACT2.


Well, yeah, he kinda sounds exactly the same, minus the mispronunciations.

Random Further Samples



ACT2 Beta:


I can't say I've progressed much with Kazu, but then again, his debut was... 3 months ago? Jeez, that doesn't feel right.


Teto's Territory
Defender of Defoko
Yikes :sad:

Date created: August 2011, over summer
Recorded with: Some crap microphone that goes in your ear o_e
Oto?: Never heard of it.

十面相 [Ten-Faced] 音声ルル [Onsei-Lulu]

I also have a Division Destruction Chorus I made using all her voicebanks which includes her Act 1(oto'd of course) as Core:


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
I think that I've had a better first utau attempt than most.
I had a helpful friend who knew a little about otos, and she knew much more about recording. xD
I also got my lovely Blue Yeti for like $50 during the holidays, which was so lovely.
I joined the forums shortly after and everyone was more than happy to help me with otos and aliases. Then Saki was born~!
I wouldn't be where I am now without all of you lovely people. ;o; <3
But anyways here's one of the first covers I did with Saki.
【UTAU海外組歌合戦♀】Cyber Thunder Cider(サイバーサンダーサイダー)【咲希】


Icon by Wanpuccino @ DA
Defender of Defoko
Ooh, this is a fun topic.
Y'all ain't heard nothin' until you see the history of someone who started back in 2009... hell, that was before these forums even existed! *waves around cane*

Hm, let's see if the videos are all still up...
ACT1. I recorded with my laptop's inbuilt (which was actually pretty decent for a laptop mic, I was horrified to discover). Oto'd, but randomly and of course UST clearing wasn't really a thing back then... I was also pretty new to music and made things offkey kinda frequently...

I also couldn't voice act.
【UTAU】Unreachable Wings ~Todokanu Tsubasa~ 【速雄三桜】
This is actually pretty much my only on-key song in a male octave I did I'm cry

Then we have ACT2
I figured out the g+ flags and a little more about otos. Tried English. Failed (it was halfway decent for back then that's my excuse and I'm sticking too it OTL).

Then we get to my first VCV attempt... I'd assumed you timed everything by hand using STP.
January 2010. Good times. I later figured out how to oto (a bit) and clear USTs and dumped the bank since I recorded oddly anyway.

First VCV bank that I actually... did anything with.
WOW SO IMPRESSIVE A VCV BANK except I still didn't know where the red line needed to go oops

ACT3 CV...
I'm actually crying because of this picture jfc why did I think this was ok also still g+15 here
I at least kind tried it looks like his frq av was G3 that's good.

The last you see of english for him
Sorry for the nightmares.

Okay so fastforward like a year because the end of 2010 and start of 2011 was a not great time for me-- I'd been tuning other UTAUloids for like 6 months and that's about it. I started recording again because I wasn't happy with Hayao's manliness... But I got a new mic, I think that was here, anyway.
【UTAUTeaser】見桜速雄(連続音2.0)に『 imagination - dream mix - 』歌ってもらた
This is no g+ flag and I was VERY PROUD AT THE TIME. I knew how to oto, too! GJ me. A true man.

And this year? Well, this year school dragged me back into the depths of hell so after I released that I kind of dropped into an abyss of quiet on the UTAU front and I lost a lot of viewers haha
But I still played with UTAU a lot and eventually multipitch happened and I accidentally ver4.0
no g+ flag again.

The past little while I've been pretty busy with UTAU, though!

Soft VCV bank: [soundcloud]http://soundcloud.com/bagel-hero/jqpfo6ffezer[/soundcloud]

VCV 3.0 (currently bipitch but feedback says his high pitch is too powerful compared to his low; so it'll be at least tripitch to make that smoother):[soundcloud]http://soundcloud.com/bagel-hero/wave-test-uta-3-0-alpha
Now go back and rewatch the first video.

I hope this has been a learning experience for everyone because it was hell for me to look at these again omg.


Teto's Territory
Defender of Defoko
Thread starter

Holy hell, Halo. That's so much progress and attempts and you're my hero XD

Yay for old farts! I started in 2009, too, but I never even thought to look for forums or other over-seas users or anything like that. I just stayed in my room with my desu singing robots. ;u;

Actually, come to think of it, without this forum I'd be screwed. Wouldn't know how to oto or use something other than resampler or what is pitch-bending I don't even


Defender of Defoko
【UTAU NEWCOMER】 Rolling Girl 【Yoriko Kei】

Date created: ...I first made her sometime last April.
Recorded with: An HD Microsoft Video Camera which just so happened to have a crappy mic as well. c:
Oto?: Huh? What? How do you do that?

Haha I'm still reaaallyy new in the community. ouo;
(Awhhhh man those terrible Audacity echo effects ._.)

[Trying to smooth a CV bank]CANDY CANDY[UTAU]
Date created: The utau was created a few weeks ago.
Recorded with: Uhmm some $50 microphone my Dad got me, I forgot the name. Sorry. But it's pretty nice.
Oto?: Yeah, I think the OTO is alright.
I think I've gotten better, I don't know. Definitely improved at OTOing, though.xD


possibly dead
Global Mod
Defender of Defoko

My first thing EVER.  It's a flash video on deviantart.


Date Created: June 26, 2011--so a little over a year ago.
Recorded With: Some crap $20 logitech speaking mic.  Shitty thing.
Oto?:  I knew it was a thing and I did it, but I didn't really understand it so I did quite poorly and omg the consonants why
also the recordings were terrible so otoing was a laughable effort anyway
Usage?: what the **** is fitting a UST and mixing what is mixing do you eat it
also Halt are those high notes killing you or what
and Soledi do you know what consonants are and the answer is no you don't eat them now stop that

A year after that horrible mess, I remade the same cover, to show the improvement directly.

Date Created: June 26, 2012--recently enough?
Recorded With: Shure PG42-USB, my babyyyyy
Oto?:  I do customized-uniform VCV otos and know how they work so that's a big step up
Usage?:  I know how to mix and tune now, and (obviously) how to fit USTs.  So much less derp.
Also Halt sings in her proper range, that being an octave down.  Woops.
Soledi can actually destroy the screechy high notes now? :'D
Bonus: Both of them are multi-pitch (3 for Halt, 5 for Soledi).

And as for my most recent works with each of them, well.
Soledi my dear ;u;  So crisp and clear and your range and you are everything I ever hoped for

Halt has all these fancy pitches now too~


Teto's Territory
I remember my first attempts ='D
The very first recordings of Dia - nothing with oto, mixing was a big question and ACCENT a freaking German ACCENT orz
Date created: Sometime in late summer/early autumn 2010
Recorded with: Some Logitech headset micro
Oto?: ...it sounded like a German name orz

[UTAU Newcomer] Dia Dia ni shite Ageru [Kunikida Diana]
(some horrible shit orz sounds like some German troll UTAU)

Then I decided to redo the voicebank because I freakin' couldn't listen to the thing I produced - and I couldn't stand that accent orz
The extreme fail voicebank could be considered as Act 0

Date created: Sometime late autumn 2010
Recorded with: still the same Logitech headset micro
Oto?: ...it sounded like a German name orz - didn't change

【国木田ディアナ】 ねこみみスイッチ 【UTAU】
(still no oto and mixing is what? no adjusting with volume, haha ^^" but this was her real Act 1, oh and ignore the horrible art NO TABLET)

And this is Act 1.5: proper oto and kind of good mixing? and HOLY improved cover art


i hope i didn't delete it...

Date created: September 2011?
Recorded with: random headset that I found
Oto: Actually this is the second voicebank I ever made, which I made right after figuring out how to OTO.  I guess it's decent?
Other notes: WAHT AR ALIAS CANNOT HIRAGANA *makes shitty romaji UST*
mixing was just slapping the vocals on the off-vocal, i actually didn't learn about proper mixing until MUCH later


Date created: June-July 2012
Recorded with: second random headset that I found, the first one was destroyed.  DESTROYED.
Oto: of course a VCV has an OTO, a proper uniform VCV OTO

【UTAU VCV Release】Rolling Girl【Mita Souzou】

These are actually two different UTAUs, but the first one was abandoned and the second is my current project.  They basically have the same voice, though.


Teto's Territory
I don't know, I might be one the worst since they were muffled. I had a laptop with no speakers or headphones, so they sounded clear to me at the time.

Date created: November 2009
Recorded with: No brand microphone that came in a "How to Learn Japanese" box. ( I wish I actually used that CD before recording. XD; ) It was a unidirectional mic, but I didn't know anything about that so I recorded into it on the wrong side. (probably why they were muffled)
Oto?: Kuroji had no Oto. But I spent a little more time on the old VO forum to learn about the hidden automatic Oto button, so I think I used that before Kakou's cover

I also didn't know about mixing until mid 2010, but my timing was usually okay most of the time.

Kuroji Act 1 Beta

Kakou Act 1 Beta

I recorded Act 1 again a little later to change her tone, but still recorded wrong. Act 2 was using the same mic, only in the right direction this time but it was still low quality. Sometimes I wish I never made Act 2 at all. I honestly have a lot of regrets, and I'm amazed at the people who start out really good. I'm slow at catching up with everyone, but I'm still very happy I made it so far.^^; I want to get Kuroji's voice right some day so he can have another chance too.

Oh yeah.. And Halo was one of the first users to help me out with technical stuff, and I even learned about the g flag for the first time from her. thanks~! ;_;


Teto's Territory
Defender of Defoko
cries waaah yes good topic, I love seeing improvement! *v*

Okay so Kazumi's "first" bank (and very ever YT UTAU upload) It was never really finished but ohh weelll
Aku no Musume UTAU Sneak Peek

This was when I literally just /jumped into the fandom/ and I had no idea how to work UTAU lmao. No oto, edits or ... just even, any effort waah. Also didn't have a resource such as this forum or any friends into it. *A*; And I didn't even bother to learn how to use the program before making an UTAU ;;

And here's her latest bank, not finished either but yep
【UTAU】 1, 2 Fanclub 「いーあるふぁんくらぶ」 【Kazumi Kazune・Raine Rena】 +UST

or this might be a better example afdsdafsd I really haven't done much with it


Teto's Territory
The first UTAU thing I've ever done is this  ;n; oh gosh i had no idea what oto's were/orz


then several months later i recorded my first standalone VCV bank( after trying out vcv lite and then adding on to it to make it standalone)


The beginning of this year i recorded a rentan cv bank and just recently i started rerecording my second multipitch vcv bank u3u( which will have 5 or more pitches recorded for it)


//i did this bank in between , my first attempt at trying out multipitch vcv

/oh and i decided to change my utauloids design like during may ish and just recently i've decided to split the name up(Amare Arco) for 2 characters instead of just one ,

so now Amare = more masculine voice /vampire design//designed by kyugami

and Arco = softer/younger voice/rabbit boy design//art by jamflavoured

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