Critique Requested Namine Ritsu - Snow Drive (01.23) [UTAU Cover]


Momo's Minion
hi! i made a cover of Snow Drive using Namine Ritsu's KIRE voicebank

feedback and tips would be appreciated! (im specifically checking if any parts aren't aligned with the instrumental properly)




Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
I am not familiar with this song, so I can't say if it is all aligned right. The tuning and mixing is done really well. I always feel like it's hard to not have the singer or music to drown out the other. My only advise is to maybe play around with note volume at certain points. Kire is very shout-y and is great for choruses or heavy genres. Sometimes you have to tweak her volume down a smidge at the beginning of parts so it doesn't sound like consist/flat yelling, if that makes any sense...
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