Voicebank Lewis Wendelken

Lewis Wendelken, mascot of Wendelken Enterprises. Has a Japanese and English bank.


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Lewis Wendelken


Lewis was constructed in the 1950s by an engineer working for Wendelken Enterprises. When he was shown to the CEO, he was amazed at the craftmanship and made him the mascot of the company. Lewis took the company's name as his surname and assumed the position of the mascot. Wendelken Enterprises distributed a plethora of technologies, ranging from the latest automobiles to children's toys. Lewis was considered a strong selling point, as he was an example of what the engineers were capable of and that he could directly interact with the customer base. While Lewis is present for company meetings and events, he is allowed quite a bit of freedom and can go anywhere during his spare time. Lewis has been innovated since his inception in the 50s, and contains modern updates, such as a bluetooth feature. He was introduced to a fellow robot, Paris Carlisle, whose company went bankrupt while Paris was the only prototype. Wendelken Enterprises bought out Paris' company, and Lewis and Paris began working together. Lewis was programmed with human emotions and a conscience, and soon fell for Paris. Paris and Lewis maintain a loving relationship as Wendelken Enterprises remains a thriving company in the modern age.

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