Kagerou Days - Amare 2.0 Tetrapitch Demo


Teto's Territory
【UTAU】Kagerou Days【Amare VCV 2.0】Tetrapitch Demo

Song & Lyrics by Jin //sm15751190
PV by Wannyanpu //sm sm16450214
Original Singer : Miku Hastune
Ust by Shinyserebii
UTAU: Amare _VCV 2.0(D#3・F#3・A#3・C4)
MP3 DL : http://tindeck.com/listen/umdi ( the quality is better here)

I used fresamp and L1B0g1 for for the main singing and for the part around 2:40ish I only loaded his D#3 set and rendered the vocals with tips with B0.
Ust editing by me ~

This is a demo of Amare's new VCV bank (`・ω・´)/

I fiddled around with my mic settings and I guess it sounds a bit better than before(?) i'm able to record with much less noise/static in my samples so I rerecorded his core bank , so far I only have 4 pitches done ( D#3,F#3,A#3 and C4 )

I'll be recording a C3 set and an probably another 2 add on sets(falsetto and screamo set) before I release this VB (probably around December/January)