I can't find the .wav file


Momo's Minion
I'm a beginner at using UTAU and I really wanted to start making my own songs, so I tried to find Eng UTAUs that allow commercial use and I found Kumi Histuboku, TYPE A and Pururu (because she has a voicebank of my mother language). I'm also trying to use Mani Hatsu because i like her voice, but with her I don't have this problem.

If I go to register the voicebanks and try to register Mani Hatsu, I select her file and it appears two .wav files inside of it, and that gives me two voicebanks of Mani Hatsu. According to the tutorials, that's normal.
(Like this: https://www.deviantart.com/prosa200...RIPTION-756066957?ga_submit_new=10:1532445787)

But when I try to register any of my other UTAUs, there's no .wav file in their files. If I put it to show all files it appears a million of .wav files (that corresponds with the sounds they make) and selecting them and trying to use any of them individually doesn't give me all the syllables and probably doesn't work.

Is there something I didnt understand right in the tutorials? How do I make them work?

P.S.: Sorry for putting a link to DeviantArt but i don't know how to put pictures here...


UtaForum power user
Defender of Defoko
You can simply put the entire voicebank in UTAU's "voice" folder and they should automatically show up in the list.


Momo's Minion
Thread starter
Okay, I discovered the problem, I must have seen an outdated tutorial, I didnt know you had to go on the files of the UTAU program, sorry for the bother...

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