[Got it!] Ryone Yami doesn't want to be downloaded


Teto's Territory
I got it, finally!

Hello, dear users of Utau! I'm JurianChibo and I'm here to ask you to help me with a little problem :

I can't download Ryone Yami, a trap utau (Boy crossdressing) that is PERFECT for the duo I want to do for ''Soleil'' :wink: (Me (JurianChibo) + Yami)

So, on the wiki
there is a sh*tload of links and downloads, so let me give you the VB I want, so you could send them to me via Skype (Yes, no redistributing, so you'll have to actually send it to me =w=)

I need :
The normal voice =  http://www1.axfc.net/uploader/so/2553057&key=yami
The sweet append = http://www1.axfc.net/uploader/so/2200140&key=utau
I would need the power append, too, but it seems that there is an error on the link or something, because it's that : http://www1.axfc.net/uploader/so/2590255&key=yami

So, if you can't get me the power append, you could get me the strong append = http://www1.axfc.net/uploader/so/2198768&key=utau


Thanks for reading. Add me on Skype (My Skype is JurianChibo) and send it to me if you want and can. I'm sorry to ask you this, but I really want Yami, and it's horrible that I can't get him because of bugs and all!

So, I leave you with this request, goodbye~

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