English Reclist for OREMO


Momo's Minion
See attatched file for .txt document

As to pronunciation,
A= play
E= eat
I= ice
O= ghost
U= tube

a1= "say ah"
e1= edible
i1= in
o1= crocodile
u1= tub

Aa= apple

C= cat
c1= face

G= ghost
g1= giant

Qu= queen
Please disregard all "1"s you will see in the reclist, as they are only there so the program will distnguish upper case from lower case.
As to the rest of the letters in the reclist, english pronuciation rules apply (as in however you would want to speak or sing in english, it as, after all, for your voice bank ^__^ )


  • English reclist.txt
    26.7 KB · Views: 255


Teto's Territory
Thank you for this! I had a lot of problems with another English reclist because I didn't know how to pronounce it ;w;


Teto's Territory
Defender of Defoko
I pronounce crocodile like "ahh" though, so the a1 and o1 would be identical for me.

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