do EDGE reclists exist, like how does that work


Ritsu's Renegades
Defender of Defoko
Hiya! I was wondering how one would record an edge voicebank
like, do oremo reclists exist for that, or do you have to screw with that in another program?

also what do you guys look for in vcv voicebanks bc im adding stuff to mine and i need input
not many people are gonna see this because as of now the website certificate is invalid and everyone is dead aa
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Ritsu's Renegades
Defender of Defoko
You'd use a normal reclist, just do vocal fry on every note. I think. Edge and vocal fry are the same thing, right?
In VCV voicebanks I like when they have glottal stops and vocal fry/edge samples, end inhales are also nice to have


Ritsu's Renegades
Defender of Defoko
Thread starter
You'd use a normal reclist, just do vocal fry on every note. I think. Edge and vocal fry are the same thing, right?
In VCV voicebanks I like when they have glottal stops and vocal fry/edge samples, end inhales are also nice to have
ah okay, yeah im pretty sure edge and vocal fry are the same
honestly not sure what a glottal stop is or how to record that- like i probably know what it is but im just not sure how to do that
im probably gonna do vocal fry with CV samples just to save time then
i was planning on doing inhaling/exhaling things anyway so coolio got that one down :^)
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Ritsu's Renegades
Defender of Defoko
The way you do a glottal stop is by stopping the flow of air with your glottis. It's the same as the stop in "uh-oh" or what can happen to the letter "t" in some English dialects (like "British" being pronounced "Bri'ish")
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Ritsu's Renegades
Defender of Defoko
No, it doesn't exist a reclist for it ;~;

But don't worry, doing an edge voicebank is less software involved and more involved with the tone you're recording. Okay, do you know what appends are? Appends are basically differents voicebanks recorded with a different tone. For example, if you take Hatsune Miku normal voicebank she will sing in a clear way, without having a strong sound (Strong sound = more projected sound, I will show you an example to make it clear later), nor a breathy sound, just Miku in her normal voice. But if you hear how her Whisper voicebank sound you will notice that the sound is more breathy and quiet, making it good for producing some effects the user wants or to fitt better in some musics.

So, as said before, appends are nothing more than voicebanks recorded in a different tone of the original one.

An Edge voicebank is nothing more than an append and thats where it starts to be a little bit tricky. To consider a utau or vocaloid edge it depends on what you think edge means to you. For example: Teto's Edge voicebank is a voicebank made with all her samples/recordings having vocal fry, but Matsudappoiyo edge voicebank is just a voicebank with a stronger tone.

So you can basically name your append the way you want and give it the meaning you want. As we saw above, Teto's gives the meaning to the edge, on her append voicebank, by understanding Edge as singing on your voice edge. But Matsudappoiyo voice provider understood that Edge means someone who is cool and agressive, someone who doesn't have fears and that is strong. That's why Teto Edge voicebank sounds like if she is singing on the "edge" of her voice by using vocal fry, while Matsudappoiyo Edge voicebank sounds like if Matsudappoiyo is uppset, singing strongly and emotional.

So basically it really depends on what you think the word edge means. Anyway, if you want to record a voicebank similar to Teto's edge I recommend you to search about vocal fry, and if you want something more similar to Matsudappoiyo's Edge I recommed you to study a little bit of vocal projection, voice compression (Not in the software, but in singing) and singing strongly.

After knowing what Edge means to you start to record your new Edge voicebank with the voice tone (Or, in vocal fry case, voice register) you desire. Pay attention and make it consistent by checking if all the samples are with the same vocal tone (Or vocal register) you desired.