"Unexpected error" while trying to crossfade... How can I solve?


Momo's Minion
I'm quite a newbie in the Utau world and I really can't figure out how to solve a problem. I didn't find anything similar on the internet, so I'm asking here. ^_^
The problem begins from when I open Utau: a strange window named "Unexepected error" with a lot of question marks as description shows off with apparently no reason.. Anyways I just close it and Utau opens normally, and it seems like everything's fine.
Every single function in Utau works fine (or at least the few that i know how to use xD), except all the crossfading buttons on the top-right of the program. As I read on the internet, to use them I have to reset some parameters in all notes, then select them all and click "ACPT","P2P3" and again "ACPT" (or something similar). When I click ACPT everything is fine, but when I try on P2P3 the same weird error message pops out again, and this time when I close it nearly all notes became white, and every time I click on them (or on the pianoroll, or on anything UTAU-related) i get again the error. The only way to get back my UST is to CTRL-Z, but actually i'm using a CVVC/VCV voicebank (kinda..) and I really need to use crossfading. Someone knows how to solve?
I don't know if it can be useful, but I'm on Windows 8.1, and the used voicebank is a sort of "italian test"(yeah i know nobody cares about italian voicebanks xD) made with my own voice(with OTO.ini done though, so it shouldn't be the problem).

Thank you in advance. :smile:

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