Papil needs a duet partner!


Momo's Minion

(with new Resampler)
[UTAU - Papil ] Melancholic

She doesn't have an UTAU Wiki page yet (Haha, I'll get around to it...) but I can describe her here :D Don't pay attention to the Eyesight video if you've seen it OTL I changed a bunch of her stats...
Personality: A bright and cheery, a little on the dumb side, but forgivable.
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 115 lbs
Character item(s): Butterfly and Hydrangea.

She needs a male duet partner, but a female one would be nice, too :D


Teto's Territory
OMG! I love her voice! Nowdays, the most female UTAU all have similar voices, but this kind of soft voicebank is quite original! I like it. I would aknowledge you to make her a Power-y voicebank to balance her original soft voice.

And, oh, I'm going to create my UTAU soon, and from my voice, it would obviously be a male...but it is going to take a few weeks or I cant help you right now. ><

But for a duet partner, I think you should choose a male with a soft voice too, so it wouldnt overpower Papil's voice, like Yuzune SHUN.


Like you said, you dont feel okay using other people UTAU's without permission, but this is the best I can do to help you D: Sorry ._.


Momo's Minion
Thread starter
^ . ^ thank you! And my friend is getting a Yeti mic, so when he gets it, he said I can use it to record the next act for my UTAU and her possible appends (Power being one I have planned).

And I can help you out with your UTAU, and when he's all done :D I would love to have him and Papil sing a duet.

Also! Thank you for the link, I'll contact their creator to see if it's okay ^^


Teto's Territory
MsStarryDreams link said:
^ . ^ thank you! And my friend is getting a Yeti mic, so when he gets it, he said I can use it to record the next act for my UTAU and her possible appends (Power being one I have planned).

And I can help you out with your UTAU, and when he's all done :D I would love to have him and Papil sing a duet.

Also! Thank you for the link, I'll contact their creator to see if it's okay ^^

Your welcome, good luck in your duets! ^^
Oh, yes, thank you! I would love some help, cause I really need it xD And yes, a duet would vê awesome!!


Teto's Territory
She can be a duet partner with Jo, if she'd like ^o^
Her voice:
(Also, I agree with Shine, awesome and original voice!)