Looking for CV Voicebanks


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
Hey I wonder if it's too late ;7;

UTAU Name: Asane Hana
UTAU Owner / Person to Credit: Miramiee
Voice Sample:
Voice Download Link: Here~
Extra Notes?:
It's multipitch uwu.
Works well with the new default resampler and no flags
Much power? Idk pffu


Teto's Territory
Thread starter
Zurui said:
Just wondering, for the people that you choose to put into the song, can you send us a PM or something? :3

I might forget to, but I'll try to remember too, if that's what you'd like. :smile:

aishababy said:
can you use CV english?

If I'm making an English USTs, I'd probably want to use CVVC, so unfortunately I won't be taking CV English banks. (Unless I would be making a UST of ARPK or something.)

수연 <Suyeon>

Your friendly neighborhood koreaboo trash
Defender of Defoko
I have a few you can use.

- This is my main voicebank (5 pitch CV)
- VB: https://app.box.com/s/qlwlonn4wqladogx9ohg

- Kimae's getting a voice change since she and Saeryung sound too similar, but you can use Saeryung (her voice is sharper and more nasal). Voiced her as well (CV - single pitch).
- VB: https://app.box.com/s/3dtkdehy9gkf62zaedkr

- This bank belongs to StuckInVeRTiGo/Vertigo-P, but I voiced her. (CV - single pitch)
- VB: https://app.box.com/s/jwvo2ga0qmaxnqx5z8nk

- This is a friend's bank. (CV - single pitch)
VB: http://www.mediafire.com/download/q2zzb8alzx4k5km/Shirohane_Mitsuki_CV-ACT1.rar


Teto's Territory
rEmxAN he is so beautiful and he needs more love he is my precious bby

Act 1.20: http://www.4shared.com/rar/H2DyzUC4/__act_120_.html

Act 2.00: http://www.4shared.com/rar/N_iFUAq4/remxan_act_200.html

Here's a sample of his act 1.20: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nD0thQV1sSI

sample of act 2.00: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MY82GP5r4tw

I don't own him BTW


Teto's Territory
Eh...I'd rather not link my own for various reasons...?

But any good CV ones I've found are:

Kumi Hitsuboku (childish voice and 6-pitch powerscale wowowow)
ORIGAMI-I (Neutral whisper voice and is 24-pitch holla)
Lena Mizuki (many CV/rentan appends! And all of them are multipitch too!)
Keito(Has 6-pitch(?) CV and is a young male voice)

I'll fix this later since I'm at school haha


Precious Flower with Thorns
Defender of Defoko
I don't want to rain on anyone's parade but this thread is from the beginning of the year and I kinda doubt Purin is still checking it?? Please be careful when responding to old threads.


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
UTAU Name: Aratane Yasuko
UTAU Owner / Person to Credit: AoKokoro/AkokoGemu/HachiGemu (I have many names XD)
Voice Sample:
Voice Download Link: http://utau.wikidot.com/utau:aratane-yasuko
Extra Notes?: always use g-3 or if you want lower or higher ^^[DOUBLEPOST=1417187950][/DOUBLEPOST]
UTAU Name: Aratane Yasuko
UTAU Owner / Person to Credit: AoKokoro/AkokoGemu/HachiGemu (I have many names XD)
Voice Sample:
Voice Download Link: http://utau.wikidot.com/utau:aratane-yasuko
Extra Notes?: always use g-3 or if you want lower or higher ^^

If you want you could even use my Merulo~ He'll have a new design soon though!!! :D


Momo's Minion
I'm thinking of using some CV voicebanks for my UST releases, because why the hell not?
So yeah, send me your voicebanks and stuff, and I'll check them out.

Just include a voice sample so I know what I'd be working with here.

I'm probably not going to download voices with a bad oto because I'm awful at otoing and kind of don't want to do much besides just making the .ust. //shot

Real simple, right? Here's a little form to fill out and everything.

UTAU Owner / Person to Credit: Poca-Mocaさん (im not her voice provider, but she told me that i could own her)
Voice Sample:https:https: 1)//www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_dGEwDz1F0&index=2&list=UUiI9lYutwgfBgTfwe6YojIw 2) //www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxZ8x4DTgIs&list=UUiI9lYutwgfBgTfwe6YojIw
Voice Download Link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/ph6bhdxvcclux3v/TORY.rar
Extra Notes?: TORY is compatible with normal resampler, TIPS, Fresamp+ F0/F1 flag, bkh01+ B0F0 flags (she could be compatible with other resampler), her library really old so be careful if your ust had some foreign language involved, cuz she have few unrecorded syllables in her library.

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