Hey hi hello :3


Momo's Minion
Just making an introduction now before I forget! It took forever to get into the forum because my email SUCKS, but I'm here now! I screw around with UTAU for fun and don't take things very seriously, but I absolutely love making covers even if it takes me forever!! I also have made myself a couple VBs, but haven't posted most of 'em since I haven't finished the designs yet. The only one I have posted is here (http://utau.wikidot.com/utau:alice-cv) But since recording I've fallen out of love with how she sounds ;; But I am still super proud, since I always wanted to make one when I was younger and couldn't figure out how, so finally doing that is awesome!! It's good to be here, and I look forward to lurking a lot and not posting much lmao
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