
Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
eoko decision.png
To sum up this comic for those of you english speakers...:wink:
Although the malluma design won, it was such a slim win that I will find something to use her luma design for. I slightly prefer darker color schemes, as they are easier on the eyes, but it was a difficult choice because Eoko is a spritely, adventurous girl, so a light design would've fit well... However I want to give her a huskier, softer voice-type(possibly), so the dark design fits other aspects of her.
Perhaps the outcome of this poll could mean something... Even more substantial, character-trait-wise.:creepy:
Anyway, dankon to all of you who voted! :love: It means a lot!
I am unsure of when I will voice Eoko, but I am aiming for autumn.
To break up the wait I shall post more character info, maybe more comics/art between now and her release! I would love to see Eoko become a bit popular since it could mean getting more Esperantists into UTAU/Singthesis, and introducing UTAU producers to Esperanto, which would mean like, two of my major hobbies colliding! :holy:

Ĝis la revido, miaj dandoj!​

Looking back I didn't need to use -n on a bunch of those adjectives *sweats nervously
I second-guessed myself tho bc i added them aat the end
:bigtears:rip me