how do you make utauloids out of existing vocals?


Momo's Minion
so theres this thing in the puyo puyo community called feveroid! all it is people take clips from the characters audio and make them into utauloids and im super interested in it
heres an example!!!

i really want to make one of these for myself because there are no downloads out there but when i try it always ends up sounding incredibly choppy. is there anyone who knows how to make an utauloid out of existing vocals?? and then how do u deal with the background noise that may be there?? it may be a simple answer but im stupid

btw im really not skilled in making my own utaus, ive only made 2 in my life ahgahgdhg


UtaForum power user
Defender of Defoko
Please take note of the UTAU Software Usage Policy on the UTAU Wiki:
Namely, that voicebanks cannot be made from samples without consent or licensing.

However, thus far I've been unable to find the original Japanese-language version of this policy. If you proceed, tread carefully. The general consensus among the community is that making jinriki voicebanks is permissible as long as you do not distribute the voicebank.

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