Open Art Give life to these design?


Ritsu's Renegades
Defender of Defoko

I will need some voice providers now and in the future!
I love to design characters, and I want them to come to life.

What you will see here are the design I made, digitally drawn by friends of mine.

Each ''characters'' will have few informations about them but..
feel free to send me a message in private if you want me to change something like the name, the age etc..
Sadly, I can't change the colors or the design itself.

These design are FREE BUT BUT BUT BUTT (ok the last one was too much haha) if you have something to trade with me I would be really happy (Art of my utau(s), cover with my utau(s) etc.. ).
I spent money for these drawing, so... ^^''

OK- You want design number..?? That's great. But first, let me hear a sample of your voice!
I'll choose the person who has the closest voice that I picture for the character.

Don't take my design until I chose you and remember to always credit me and the digital artist!
The person I choose will have their username written here.

I can change and add things if I believe I forgot something.
If you have questions or if you're interested by a design please write a comment here on this thread.

Number 1 - Taken by/ Currently not taken
design by hikari08
Digital by Kitcat190

Name: Seren or Nozomi (choose the one you like the most)
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Voice tone: Girlish yet mature.
Eyes color: Soft Pink
Hair color: Mint Green
Vb type: Multipitch _ VCV hiragana or CVVC hiragana_