FRQ Settings Are Cut Out


Ritsu's Renegades
Defender of Defoko
So, while I was otoing Renny's third bank, I decided to test how it was going so far. It sounded like this...
I thought that the oto was wrong, so I went to check it out, and it looked like this:
The orange line looked really wrong, so I went to edit the FRQ map. The answer to a question I had a while ago said to use the buttons to fix the FRQ. But uhh...
utau_2019-09-07_16-46-51.png No, this wasn't cropped. That is how the buttons are shown. I tried making the screen bigger, but I wouldn't budge. What should I do?


Defoko's Slaves
Defender of Defoko
This is normal. As far as I know, there's nothing that can be done about it. (The editor is still functional, though! The buttons should work if you wanted to use them, even if they're cut off.)

I'd recommend downloading nmasao1's frq editor:
It's a lot easier to use and doesn't have the "cut off buttons" issue. You can draw the line the way you want it to be. I hope this helps!

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