
  1. Sasha


    Sasha is the stage name for Daniel, a 23 year-old, cheerful young man. As Sasha, she is a person who is really loud and passionate. She loves playing her trombone, and she always peforms songs using it. Sasha is really determined, never giving up! Sasha is good friends as well as a fan of Soho...
  2. Animé Fan

    [UTAU] Trancing Pulse [XOTA]

    It's been a long time since I did actual group songs with the XOTA units. This is probably due to personal reasons that I'd rather not say and other people would never really listen to. But after finding some time and regaining my confidence, I managed to finally make more group covers. Years...
  3. Animé Fan

    D.T. GOLD 1.0

    Recommended Flags: Y99B20H0F50g-5 D.T.'s GOLD Append is more powerful than his CORE Append and because it is two-pitched, this voicebank works best for heavy metal music or songs that involve a lot of shouting. Voice provided by MaryKosmosVer2.