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  1. F

    月(Yue) Abelle Frost

    Name & Name Meaning: Abelle from French 'belle', meaning beautiful. He family name, Frost, meaning tiny snowflakes. Yue is her "stage name", it is Chinese for moon. • Gender: Female • Age: 15 (Nov. 27, 1997) • Country of Origin: Norway • UTAU Series: N/A for now • Voice Type: Mellow...
  2. F

    Voicebank File

    Okay, so I downloaded Matsudappoiyo's Edge voicebank, but when I went to open it there was only a file. Like... just a file.... Not a folder or anything. Does anyone know what I'm supposed to do? I've already downloaded it a few times, so its not an incomplete download or anything.
  3. F

    I can't get any VCV voicebank to sing

    I recently downloaded several VCV voice banks, but when I try to put a note in to hear what they sound like, it doesn't work. I'm using version 4.17 of Utau. I can make all of the CV voice banks sing, and even a test voice bank I made, so I guess I just don't know how to use VCV. Can anyone...