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  1. derFisch

    Fisch's descent into Mine Laru stan hell (art log)

    Hey all, I figured since I've been doodling Laru a bunch during my sudden renewed interest, I may as well post my doodles of him here where it might be appreciated! I'll keep you posted here if I draw any more art of him, and maybe switch over to a more general thread if I start expanding into...
  2. derFisch

    ポリスピカデリー - 不埒な喝采 / 水音ラル (cover)

    Hi! It's been a while. You'd probably remember me as Entro Productions, if you do. Aside from the fact that I'd kind of drifted away from the scene for a while, I just didn't feel like the name fit anymore. It was something I'd come up with to separate my furry identity from my vocal synth...
  3. derFisch

    Obligatory Introduction Thread

    My machine didn't come with WMM preinstalled, and to be honest I'd rather find something more flexible. '~' I don't have my own utau, as I'm far too lazy to record one, let alone editing all of those pesky .oto settings. :blink: I mainly just enjoy using other people's.
  4. derFisch

    Obligatory Introduction Thread

    Hello, all! I've been in this fandom for around two years already, but I hadn't bothered to make an account here because I'm typically no good at keeping up with forums and whatnot (I wouldn't be surprised if I accidentally broke a rule in this post!). However, I've recently been having...