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  1. someguyperson

    【Platano Azúcar VCVβ】Say So (JPN. Ver)

    pls enjoy
  2. someguyperson

    How to download Risku's CVVChinese Reclist and stuff?

    i hate baidu. I've tried all day with a bunch of dumb methods that just don't work and I have nothing! Basically, I need someone to tell me how to download this dang stuff OR if they can send me it all instead... :(
  3. someguyperson

    Voicebank Platano Azúcar [Deleted]

    Phanto submitted a new Showcase Item: Platano Azúcar Read more about this showcase item here...
  4. someguyperson

    Voicebank Fresa Dulce [Deleted]

    Phanto submitted a new Showcase Item: Fresa Dulce Read more about this showcase item here...
  5. someguyperson

    How do you record Vocal Fry/Breaths?

    Okay so, I made an... attempt, but the vocal fry just sounded like a burp and the breath sounded REALLY robotic, so I'm prooobably doing something wrong!
  6. someguyperson

    【UTAUカバー】Circles [Phantopoid Arpasing]

    So, sorry for spamming this category recently, eheh... But, I finished a cover! Never thought I'd do this, but I was pretty determined. I really like this song, so I hope you enjoy the cover! if you did like it you could also repost or like on soundcloud but uh i never said this owo;;
  7. someguyperson

    Phantopoid Arpasing Demos!

    Recently I've been kinda sick, so I couldn't record things for Fresa, however I was in the mood to do something related to Utau, so I decided to record a Scottish arpasing bank simply based on myself! Although I don't know if I'll release this (so I know the oto isn't brilliant because it's...
  8. someguyperson

    Coward Montblanc [Fresa Dulce Japanese]

    I haven't done a cover in forever, and I'm quite proud of this! Hope you enjoy it!
  9. someguyperson

    Am I just really bad at OTOing? Or is there something wrong with it.

    WOAGH!!!! I just recorded another darn CV voicebank for Fresa, but after a massive Hiatus, and it's already better, I may even do bi-pitch! But uh, I spent 3 hours otoing, and then tried the vb out with some usts....and it was unbearably choppy. I follow a tutorial and swear I did everything...
  10. someguyperson

    I need help with setting good base pitches.

    I'm back! I'm officially alive!! This post has been a long time coming too. So i've actually asked this question before as my status but I wanted to post here to get some more help. Some of you should know that I'm the voice of the utau Fresa, and she's female, thing is though, I'm male. Most...
  11. someguyperson

    Explain to me how FRQ files work and how you fix em!

    So honestly what I've been doing is just scrolling along, selecting the jagged areas and pressing the avg button (I've been using the basing one btw on wine utau) This mostly makes them sound worse? So what's the proper method?
  12. someguyperson

    What Spanish VCCV Reclist would be better?

    So I made a Spanish VB using Aura's reclist, but I was wanting to do a demo and I plugged in a ust just for a demo and it didn't work, as it used Aku-P's reclist! Now I was gonna make usts anyway, but I wanted a quick demo and most usts use miku/aku-p's reclist, so what should I record in?
  13. someguyperson

    Utau-synth not generating an oto.ini

    So I'm trying to oto Fresa, but I can't for some reason. It's a VCCV and I'm trying to do my cc-s and my ccvs but for some reason I only have oto_ini.txts and not a proper oto? So because of this i can't open setparam to oto! Another weird thing is that in each of my seperate recordng folders, I...
  14. someguyperson

    What's your personal preference for an English/non jp VB?

    oh god i post here more than anyone ANYWAY Once the release of Fresa's CV JP Bank...happens, I'm wanting to try and make an English (then Spanish after, if I'm not dead.) I was wondering though, what do all of you prefer to record in! Do you like CV VC? VC CV? Arpasing? Or anything else I don't...
  15. someguyperson

    How would a Dark append work?

    Currently I have a few append names. Fresa Append: Azúcar ~ Soft/Sweet Fresa Append: Sombra ~ Dark Fresa Append: Grande ~ Power - Ofc, I have no idea what makes the dark append original and different. I was thinking... 1: Grumbly/Croaky/Growly 2: Muffled 3: Breathy How do you think you'd record...
  16. someguyperson

    Is letting OREMO auto-generate a CV oto a bad idea?

    So in Oremo, you can record then have it generate an oto for you, but is it a bad idea and does it come out bad? It's what I've been doing recently, and a lot of notes come out odd when they're short notes or something, like only saying s instead of sa
  17. someguyperson

    How do I pronounce 'P' sounds in a Japanese CV

    So I know how to pronounce it, but it's more that whenever I make the kind of P sound (pa, pe, pi, po, pu} it makes the mic pop and it just doesn't work. I don't have a pop filter or anything so what's the solution. Also, unrelated but does anybody have any cvvc Spanish, cvvc English and cvvc...
  18. someguyperson

    I'm Phanto, New to Utau, Creater of Fresa!

    So i've never done this before, but after seeing so many videos, I was pulled in! I have a voicebank called Fresa, Her website and download links, including some other things are all here. I know that she's not all that great, but it's my first time and great or not, I'm really proud of it! I...
  19. someguyperson

    What are good websites to host your utau on?

    Currently, I'm using Weebly, but my Utau is getting largerand apparently anything over a certain size can only be done if you have Weebly any workarounds or better (free-er) websites?
  20. someguyperson

    New to UTAU, the CV reclist I'm using has the same note twice

    So in my reclist, wa and wo are done twice (literally wa2 and wo2) so are these pronounced differently?