Updated flag list

Updated flag list 1.1

I found extremely frustrating having to search old topics to guess what a flag might do,and if my resampler of choice supported it, so I decided to make a flag compatibility table.

It includes a table with all the currently avaible resamplers and the flag they support and a list of the flags and their descriptions.

I have checked the readmes of all the resamplers that came with one, I've tested most of them, and I've checked for errors twice, but errors are bound to be made. Please report them if you spot one. Some flags have vague descriptions because, for the love of Defoko, I couldn't figure out what they did (see : O, K, and n). Information on those would be greatly appreciated.

I will try to update this document as soon as a new flag pops out, or as soon as I get more information about some of those.
I hope this is at least somewhat useful.

· $direct = true
Range : NONE
Effect : Tells UTAU to ignore the oto.ini It works with all the resamplers.

· ?
Range : NONE
Effect : when put IN FRONT OF A NOTE (ex : ?a) it tells UTAU to ignore the prefix.map. Since it doesn’t depend on the resampler, this flag will work with every resampler.

· A
Range : 0 / 100
Default : 0
Effect : Amplitude modulation. This flags modulates the amplitude in correlation with change of pitch.
FOR RESAMPLER / FRESAMP ONLY : A works, but it has the same function as "a".

· a
Range : 0 / unknown
Default : 100
Effect : For values < 100 it stretches the pink part of the oto.
For values > 100 it compresses the pink part of the oto.

· B
Range : 0 / 100
Default : 50
Effect : Changes the breathiness BEFORE the formant filter.
It is not influenced by flags C, D, E, H, h.

· b
Range : 0 / 100
Default : 50
Effect : Changes the breathiness AFTER the formant filter.
FOR MORESAMPLER ONLY : Amplitude gain for unvoiced consonants. This flag amplifies or attenuates unvoiced consonants (e.g. /t/ /k/ /s/) by a factor of 0.05 times the number after b. It has less or no effect for voiced consonants (e.g. /g/, /m/). Its range for moresampler is -20 / 100.

· C
Range : 0 / 100
Default : 0
Effect : Low-pass filter BEFORE the formant filter. Reduces higher frequencies.
When set to 100, the volume is 100% at 0kHz, 50% at 11kHz, and 0% at 22kHz.

· c
Range : 0 / 100
Default : 0
Effect : Low-pass filter, analog to C but it operates AFTER the formant filter.

· D
Range : 0 / 100
Default : 0
Effect : Low-pass filter BEFORE the formant filter. Cuts midrange.
When set to 100, the volume is 100% at 0kHz, 0% at 11kHz, and 100% at 22kHz.

· E
Range : 0 / 100
Default : 0
Effect : Low pass filter BEFORE the formant filter. Cuts lower frequencies.
When set to 100, the volume is 100% at 0kHz, 0% at 7.1kHz, 100% at 11kHz, and 0% at 22kHz.

· e
Range : NONE
Effect : Changes the rendering method from looping to stretching.

· F
Range : 0 / 100
Default : 3
Effect : Determines the strength of the formant filter

· G
Range : NONE
Effect : Forces the resampler to re-generate the .fqr files

· g
Range : -99 / 99
Default : 0
Effect : Values from -99 to 0 make the voice sound more feminie.
Values from 0 to 99 make the voice sound more masculine.

· H
Range : 0 / 99
Default : 0
Effect : A low-pass filter to emphasize the bass and cut the treble.

· h
Range : 0 / 99
Default : 0
Effect : A low-pass filter to emphasize the higher frequencies of the consonants.

· L
Range : 0 / 99
Default : 3
Effect : Sets the strength of the formant filter. Takes precedence over F.

· M
Range : 0 / 100

Default : 0
Effect : Mitigates the metallic sound.

· N
Range : NONE
Effect : Turns the formant filter off.

· n
Range : 0 / 100
Default : 0
Effect : Determinates the strength of the formant filter. Less effective than F. Useful for reducing the noise in the mid-range and treble.

· K
Range : 0 / 100
Default : 0
Effect : A comb filter based on the Fundamental Frequency.

· Mb
Range : 0 / 100
Default : 0
Effect : Positive values correspond to breathier voice and negative values reduce the breathing noise.

· MC
Range : 0 / 100
Default : 0
Effect : Adds a roar-like noise to the voice.

· Md
Range : -100 / 100
Default : 0
Effect : It changes the degree of amplitude modulation received by breathing noise due to the periodicity of glottal air flow.

· MD
Range : 0 / 100
Default : 0
Effect : Has an effect similar to growl but vibrates faster.

· ME
Range : - 100 / 100
Default : 0
Effect : Formant emphasis - given positive values, it emphasizes the formants; given negative values, the voice becomes fuzzy.

· Me
Range : NONE
Effect : Forces the sampling method from stretching to looping.

· MG
Range : 0 / 100
Default : 0
Effect : Adds growl

· Mm
Range : 0 / 100
Default : 100
Effect : Interpolating between the classical speech model used before version 0.3.0 and the novel model used since then.

· Mo
Range : -100 / 100
Default : 0
Effect : It changes the degree of jaw opening during phonation. Positive values correspond to wide opening and vice versa.

· Mp
Range : 0 / 100
Default : 0
Effect : Adds a random perturbation to pitch curve

· Mr
Range : - 100 / 100
Default : 0
Effect : This flag creates a "singer's formant" around 3kHz if set to positive; otherwise it reduces the formant.

· Ms
Range : 0 / 10
Default : 0
Effect : It fixes the occasional 'pops' that mostly occurs when shifting down the pitch. Higher number corresponds to stronger stabilization. This flag is recommended when the popping only occasionally occurs, otherwise turn on analysis-anti-distortion instead.

· Mt
Range : 0 / 100
Default : 0
Effect : It changes the extent to which the vocal folds are stressed or relaxed. Positive values correspond to tenser voice quality and vice versa.

· O
Range :
Effect : Shifts the pitches of the voice. Higher values may make the voice crack.

· P
Range : 0 / 100
Default : 86
Effect : Peak compressor.

· R
Range : NONE
Effect : Forces the resampler to re-generate the .pmk files before rendering

· S
Range : 0 / 100
Default : 0
Effect : Adjusts the strength of the singing formant. (2500Hz ~ 4000Hz)

· t
Range : -1200 / 1200
Default : 0
Effect : Flag to adjust the pitch by 10 cents.

· V
Range : 0 / 100
Default : 0
Effect : Regulates the power of the voice.

· W
Range : 0 / 100
Default : 0
Effect : Destroys the consonants and gives a metallic sound.

· w
Range : 0 / 100
Default : 50
Effect : Adds growl.

· x
Range : -100 / 100
Default : 0
Effect : It affects the voice based on the distance to the recording voice. Higher values make the voice brighter, lower muffled.

· Y
Range : 0 / 100

Default : 0
Effect : Changes the breathiness of the vowel.

· <
Range : 0 / 100
Default : 50
Effect : It specifies the strength of the frequency of the growl.

· >
Range : 0 / 100
Default : 50
Effect : It specifies the length of the frequency of the growl.

· _
Range : -100 / 100
Default : 0
Effect : The volume will fluctuate with the frequency of the growl.

· %
Range : -100 / 100
Default : 0
Effect : If the note has vibrato, the volume will fluctuate with the pitch. When cross-fading two notes, they must have the same flag value.
First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

Latest updates

  1. updated flag list : added a non pdf-version, updated the pdf version, corrected some mistakes.

    As @Kiyoteru suggested, here it is the guide, avaible in the post so that people don't have to...