Cdra's Big Guide to Using UTAU

Cdra's Big Guide to Using UTAU No Changes

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NOTE (2/22/2016): I have lost the original document for the Big Guide, but I plan to rebuild it so that I can update it in the near future. However, almost everything in the guide is still applicable! Only the last two appendixes (C and D) and the various links (particualrly going to the old wikia) are outdated.

Basically this guide was written so that all the basic information for using UTAU is easy to access, so you can start using the program right off the bat, I hope!

This guide is focused on how to actually use the program, including what all the settings do, etc. It doesn't cover VB creation or UST editing in any depth, so please turn to other tutorials for information about those topics.

Hope it helps!
First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 2 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. Link Fixed Again

    No changes, just updating the link to the PDF.
  2. It hasn't actually been updated, but the link apparently died?

    I fixed the link.

Latest reviews

Can you believe I didn't know about the M button on the reight corner? OMG using that for many years, wondering what I did wrong when it was disabled all of a sudden... and there it was. Maybe it could include more about otoing, but it's ok.
I didn't include anything about otoing because this wasn't a guide about voicebank creation, but strictly using the program. I actually have written an oto tutorial though, which you can find hanging out on the UTAU wiki!