
Line Gheist
Line Gheist
Talent is a thing, BUT as you are trying, you will fail and succeed several times, and you will develop your existing skill more truly making the difference >:D Give yourself more credit
I've got the same issue. It's really hard to mentally work past it. I've found that trying to do something different with my work helps me to not feel like everyone else is farther down the path we're on, but that I'm on my own path parallel to their's and that I'm doing okay for where I am. Yeah, not comparing yourself to others is really tough.
MOOD lmao i'm 14 too and i suck ass at UTAU tbh but I'm turning 15 soon. also i just noticed i joined utaforum two days after you did thats pretty neat ^^
but dw haichou you're really good with UTAU i'm honestly obsessed with your It was a very beautiful june cover