Should I use someone else for this duet?


Founder of The Church of Mawarine Shuu
Defender of Defoko

The two UTAU being used are Makimiya Fuki and Tomoko (which is just a gender bent version of my UTAU Tarou Iwata)

I wanted to use them but I feel like Tomoko kind of overpowers Maki, but at the same time I thought maybe they'd contrast well?

I figured I should take a break from using Shuu so much and use my own Utau for a full cover for once but now I'm not sure lel

The other UTAU I have that I might use are:
Mawarine Shuu
Asane Hana
Tarou (not gender bent)
Sakasa Shiki

However, if you have a suggestion for someone else that sounds better with either Tomoko or Makimiya Fuki I'd like to hear

(I should note that I would rather use UTAU with opposite-ish ranges or least one of them can sing in the opposite range so they contrast better)

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