Voicebank Akihana


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
lunamageice submitted a new Showcase Item:


English-focus UTAU.

Akihana is an apprentice enchanter under Kiaru and lives ina metropolis.

- Incompotent at magic
- Giant teddy bear essentially, maybe firmer
- Keeps spell formulas on his phone and laptop
- Really messy handwriting
- Frequently watches tv while eating icecream and crying
- He curls up while sitting on sofas, and doesn't sit normally on sofas
- He doubles as a normal college student and a mage
- Easily dominated
- Hopeless romantic
- Knows how to use chopsticks
- Dresses messily, but is often dressed by Kiaru
- Once chocked on a salty cracker and now doesn't eat them anymore
- Paints masterpieces for many people, but is too shy to give any to them
- Is good at singing but too shy to actually sing to people
- Instead sings to animals
- Accidentally performed a satanic ritual once, and cried for days afterwards
- He's a very good cook
- Speaks quietly and shyly, and often time quickly
- He runs his words together a lot cause of embarassment
- He's camera shy
- Likes taking pictures of others though
- Likes one big marshmellow in his hot cocoa
- Once had a goldfish named Slurpy that was his best friend
- Now has a pet rock
- Pet rock was enchanted to be able to move around
- Once rescued a puppy from the satan that he summoned
- Lil nerd
- Once lost miserably at a pie eating contest, and ended up crying
- Thinks he has no friends, but actually has quite a bit of friends
- Scared of women
- Academically talented, but not magically so
- Makes smiley waffles
- Has a horde of stuffed animals
- Lots are stolen from Ami and Ami steals some of them too
- Niether realizes

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Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
Thread starter
Herp I basically test lists and stuff with Kiaru and then actually give Akihana the multipitch banks.

Akihana has a 3-pitch Mandarin bank now