Help! UTAU lost!


Momo's Minion
Hey guys! I'm new here! I just got back in to utau after like a 6 month hiatus so I tried to redownload my voicebanks from a server I uploaded them on. But I've encountered a problem. The hosting server updated and corrupted almost all my banks! I can't download them! I tried downloading them file by file, but some of the waves won't work. Can someone help me out? I'm trying to get Matsudappoine's VCV and Flower retake (both which I have but don't work properly because the server corrupted some of the waves) and Akuta's VCV (same problem) I have provided screenshots for proof. proof ppoine.JPG ppoine proof 2.JPG
Some of the files will play in utau while others will not and UTAU does not want to recognize entire lyrics when I load her bank, but it will play with all the other banks I have. If anyone has a mirror link I can download her banks from, it would be greatly appreciated!