Recent content by HakumeiH

  1. HakumeiH

    Your Faces!

    I GUESS I'LL DO THIS TOO UH //InsertGenericMirrorSelfieHere
  2. HakumeiH

    [Insert I'm Too Busy/Lazy To Oto My UTAU's Septipitch (7) VCV Here]

    Post says it all :|. Contact me if interested :L. Original Songs: Art: &
  3. HakumeiH

    Rearranges/Remixes for rearranges/remixes

    Ava, you can use canvas on it if you want as well. //JustSayin
  4. HakumeiH

    Your UTAUloid's Design: Then, and Now!

    Oooooo. I love seeing UTAU progress! V. 1: V. 3.14: Currently...
  5. HakumeiH

    UTAU Original Dump. Lmfaooofjdakljfksd

    Uhhh, I've been considering it actually.
  6. HakumeiH

    Any musicians here?

    I'm self-taught in piano, but I don't play it much at all. :/.
  7. HakumeiH

    UTAU Original Dump. Lmfaooofjdakljfksd
  8. HakumeiH

    Original Songs!

    I completely forgot I did this! Um, I will be getting back to this thread around August because I have a big project and I need to try and get it done.
  9. HakumeiH

    UTAU Original Dump. Lmfaooofjdakljfksd New Song :3.
  10. HakumeiH

    Original Songs!

    I'm an okay song composer, My only stipulation is please make sure your UTAU is pretty decent sounding! (Unless it's a Troll) By Decent, I mean if it has issues, they can be fixed while mixing, like some airiness or something like that o 3o. Examples of my Work...
  11. HakumeiH

    UTAU Original Dump. Lmfaooofjdakljfksd

    New W.I.P Dance Song.
  12. HakumeiH

    Formal apology

    This was very sweet, I wish the best for you!
  13. HakumeiH

    [Vocaloid Original] Wet Sand & Dry Sand (Feat. Hatsune Miku & Megurine Luka)

    Use Headphones Please! First Song... Wet Sand (feat. Hatsune Miku) Second... Dry Sand (feat. Megurine Luka)
  14. HakumeiH

    UTAU Original Dump. Lmfaooofjdakljfksd

    Wet Sand!
  15. HakumeiH

    UTAU Contest!

    //GuessI'mIn. Do we get Extra points if they get to sing an original? Rotflmfao. And also, Can we use more than one cover?